'CCS DIAGNOSIS CATEGORIES','CCS DIAGNOSIS CATEGORIES LABELS' '.Z ','Overall' '. ','No diagnosis' '.A ','Invalid diagnosis' '1 ','Tuberculosis' '2 ','Septicemia (except in labor)' '3 ','Bacterial infection; unspecified site' '4 ','Mycoses' '5 ','HIV infection' '6 ','Hepatitis' '7 ','Viral infection' '8 ','Other infections; including parasitic' '9 ','Sexually transmitted infections (not HIV or hepatitis)' '10 ','Immunizations and screening for infectious disease' '11 ','Cancer of head and neck' '12 ','Cancer of esophagus' '13 ','Cancer of stomach' '14 ','Cancer of colon' '15 ','Cancer of rectum and anus' '16 ','Cancer of liver and intrahepatic bile duct' '17 ','Cancer of pancreas' '18 ','Cancer of other GI organs; peritoneum' '19 ','Cancer of bronchus; lung' '20 ','Cancer; other respiratory and intrathoracic' '21 ','Cancer of bone and connective tissue' '22 ','Melanomas of skin' '23 ','Other non-epithelial cancer of skin' '24 ','Cancer of breast' '25 ','Cancer of uterus' '26 ','Cancer of cervix' '27 ','Cancer of ovary' '28 ','Cancer of other female genital organs' '29 ','Cancer of prostate' '30 ','Cancer of testis' '31 ','Cancer of other male genital organs' '32 ','Cancer of bladder' '33 ','Cancer of kidney and renal pelvis' '34 ','Cancer of other urinary organs' '35 ','Cancer of brain and nervous system' '36 ','Cancer of thyroid' '37 ','Hodgkin`s disease' '38 ','Non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma' '39 ','Leukemias' '40 ','Multiple myeloma' '41 ','Cancer; other and unspecified primary' '42 ','Secondary malignancies' '43 ','Malignant neoplasm without specification of site' '44 ','Neoplasms of unspecified nature or uncertain behavior' '45 ','Maintenance chemotherapy; radiotherapy' '46 ','Benign neoplasm of uterus' '47 ','Other and unspecified benign neoplasm' '48 ','Thyroid disorders' '49 ','Diabetes mellitus without complication' '50 ','Diabetes mellitus with complications' '51 ','Other endocrine disorders' '52 ','Nutritional deficiencies' '53 ','Disorders of lipid metabolism' '54 ','Gout and other crystal arthropathies' '55 ','Fluid and electrolyte disorders' '56 ','Cystic fibrosis' '57 ','Immunity disorders' '58 ','Other nutritional; endocrine; and metabolic disorders' '59 ','Deficiency and other anemia' '60 ','Acute posthemorrhagic anemia' '61 ','Sickle cell anemia' '62 ','Coagulation and hemorrhagic disorders' '63 ','Diseases of white blood cells' '64 ','Other hematologic conditions' '65 ','Mental retardation' '66 ','Alcohol-related mental disorders' '67 ','Substance-related mental disorders' '68 ','Senility and organic mental disorders' '69 ','Affective disorders' '70 ','Schizophrenia and related disorders' '71 ','Other psychoses' '72 ','Anxiety; somatoform; dissociative; and personality disorders' '73 ','Preadult disorders' '74 ','Other mental conditions' '75 ','Personal history of mental disorder; mental and behavioral problems; observation and screening for mental condition' '76 ','Meningitis (except that caused by tuberculosis or sexually transmitted disease)' '77 ','Encephalitis (except that caused by tuberculosis or sexually transmitted disease)' '78 ','Other CNS infection and poliomyelitis' '79 ','Parkinson`s disease' '80 ','Multiple sclerosis' '81 ','Other hereditary and degenerative nervous system conditions' '82 ','Paralysis' '83 ','Epilepsy; convulsions' '84 ','Headache; including migraine' '85 ','Coma; stupor; and brain damage' '86 ','Cataract' '87 ','Retinal detachments; defects; vascular occlusion; and retinopathy' '88 ','Glaucoma' '89 ','Blindness and vision defects' '90 ','Inflammation; infection of eye (except that caused by tuberculosis or sexually transmitteddisease)' '91 ','Other eye disorders' '92 ','Otitis media and related conditions' '93 ','Conditions associated with dizziness or vertigo' '94 ','Other ear and sense organ disorders' '95 ','Other nervous system disorders' '96 ','Heart valve disorders' '97 ','Peri-; endo-; and myocarditis; cardiomyopathy (except that caused by tuberculosis or sexually transmitted disease)' '98 ','Essential hypertension' '99 ','Hypertension with complications and secondary hypertension' '100 ','Acute myocardial infarction' '101 ','Coronary atherosclerosis and other heart disease' '102 ','Nonspecific chest pain' '103 ','Pulmonary heart disease' '104 ','Other and ill-defined heart disease' '105 ','Conduction disorders' '106 ','Cardiac dysrhythmias' '107 ','Cardiac arrest and ventricular fibrillation' '108 ','Congestive heart failure; nonhypertensive' '109 ','Acute cerebrovascular disease' '110 ','Occlusion or stenosis of precerebral arteries' '111 ','Other and ill-defined cerebrovascular disease' '112 ','Transient cerebral ischemia' '113 ','Late effects of cerebrovascular disease' '114 ','Peripheral and visceral atherosclerosis' '115 ','Aortic; peripheral; and visceral artery aneurysms' '116 ','Aortic and peripheral arterial embolism or thrombosis' '117 ','Other circulatory disease' '118 ','Phlebitis; thrombophlebitis and thromboembolism' '119 ','Varicose veins of lower extremity' '120 ','Hemorrhoids' '121 ','ther diseases of veins and lymphatics' '122 ','Pneumonia (except that caused by tuberculosis or sexually transmitted disease)' '123 ','Influenza' '124 ','Acute and chronic tonsillitis' '125 ','Acute bronchitis' '126 ','Other upper respiratory infections' '127 ','Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchiectasis' '128 ','Asthma' '129 ','Aspiration pneumonitis; food/vomitus' '130 ','Pleurisy; pneumothorax; pulmonary collapse' '131 ','Respiratory failure; insufficiency; arrest (adult)' '132 ','Lung disease due to external agents' '133 ','Other lower respiratory disease' '134 ','Other upper respiratory disease' '135 ','Intestinal infection' '136 ','Disorders of teeth and jaw' '137 ','Diseases of mouth; excluding dental' '138 ','Esophageal disorders' '139 ','Gastroduodenal ulcer (except hemorrhage)' '140 ','Gastritis and duodenitis' '141 ','Other disorders of stomach and duodenum' '142 ','Appendicitis and other appendiceal conditions' '143 ','Abdominal hernia' '144 ','Regional enteritis and ulcerative colitis' '145','Intestinal obstruction without hernia' '146','Diverticulosis and diverticulitis' '147','Anal and rectal conditions' '148','Peritonitis and intestinal abscess' '149','Biliary tract disease' '150','Liver disease; alcohol-related' '151','Other liver diseases' '152','Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes)' '153','Gastrointestinal hemorrhage' '154','Noninfectious gastroenteritis' '155','Other gastrointestinal disorders' '156','Nephritis; nephrosis; renal sclerosis' '157','Acute and unspecified renal failure' '158','Chronic renal failure' '159','Urinary tract infections' '160','Calculus of urinary tract' '161','Other diseases of kidney and ureters' '162','Other diseases of bladder and urethra' '163','Genitourinary symptoms and ill-defined conditions' '164','Hyperplasia of prostate' '165','Inflammatory conditions of male genital organs' '166','Other male genital disorders' '167','Nonmalignant breast conditions' '168','Inflammatory diseases of female pelvic organs' '169','Endometriosis' '170','Prolapse of female genital organs' '171','Menstrual disorders' '172','Ovarian cyst' '173','Menopausal disorders' '174','Female infertility' '175','Other female genital disorders' '176','Contraceptive and procreative management' '177','Spontaneous abortion' '178','Induced abortion' '179','Postabortion complications' '180','Ectopic pregnancy' '181','Other complications of pregnancy' '182','Hemorrhage during pregnancy; abruptio placenta; placenta previa' '183','Hypertension complicating pregnancy; childbirth and the puerperium' '184','Early or threatened labor' '185','Prolonged pregnancy' '186','Diabetes or abnormal glucose tolerance complicating pregnancy; childbirth; or the puerperium' '187 ','Malposition; malpresentation' '188 ','Fetopelvic disproportion; obstruction' '189 ','Previous C-section' '190 ','Fetal distress and abnormal forces of labor' '191 ','Polyhydramnios and other problems of amniotic cavity' '192 ','Umbilical cord complication' '193 ','OB-related trauma to perineum and vulva' '194 ','Forceps delivery' '195 ','Other complications of birth; puerperium affecting management of mother' '196 ','Normal pregnancy and/or delivery' '197 ','Skin and subcutaneous tissue infections' '198 ','Other inflammatory condition of skin' '199 ','Chronic ulcer of skin' '200 ','Other skin disorders' '201 ','Infective arthritis and osteomyelitis (except that caused by tuberculosis or sexually transmitted disease)' '202 ','Rheumatoid arthritis and related disease' '203 ','Osteoarthritis' '204 ','Other non-traumatic joint disorders' '205 ','Spondylosis; intervertebral disc disorders; other back problems' '206 ','Osteoporosis' '207 ','Pathological fracture' '208 ','Acquired foot deformities' '209 ','Other acquired deformities' '210 ','Systemic lupus erythematosus and connective tissue disorders' '211 ','Other connective tissue disease' '212 ','Other bone disease and musculoskeletal deformities' '213 ','Cardiac and circulatory congenital anomalies' '214 ','Digestive congenital anomalies' '215 ','Genitourinary congenital anomalies' '216 ','Nervous system congenital anomalies' '217 ','Other congenital anomalies' '218 ','Liveborn' '219 ','Short gestation; low birth weight; and fetal growth retardation' '220 ','Intrauterine hypoxia and birth asphyxia' '221 ','Respiratory distress syndrome' '222 ','Hemolytic jaundice and perinatal jaundice' '223 ','Birth trauma' '224 ','Other perinatal conditions' '225 ','Joint disorders and dislocations; trauma-related' '226 ','Fracture of neck of femur (hip)' '227 ','Spinal cord injury' '228 ','Skull and face fractures' '229 ','Fracture of upper limb' '230 ','Fracture of lower limb' '231 ','Other fractures' '232 ','Sprains and strains' '233 ','Intracranial injury' '234 ','Crushing injury or internal injury' '235 ','Open wounds of head; neck; and trunk' '236 ','Open wounds of extremities' '237 ','Complication of device; implant or graft' '238 ','Complications of surgical procedures or medical care' '239 ','Superficial injury; contusion' '240 ','Burns' '241 ','Poisoning by psychotropic agents' '242 ','Poisoning by other medications and drugs' '243 ','Poisoning by nonmedicinal substances' '244 ','Other injuries and conditions due to external causes' '245 ','Syncope' '246 ','Fever of unknown origin' '247 ','Lymphadenitis' '248 ','Gangrene' '249 ','Shock' '250 ','Nausea and vomiting' '251 ','Abdominal pain' '252 ','Malaise and fatigue' '253 ','Allergic reactions' '254 ','Rehabilitation care; fitting of prostheses; and adjustment of devices' '255 ','Administrative/social admission' '256 ','Medical examination/evaluation' '257 ','Other aftercare' '258 ','Other screening for suspected conditions (not mental disorders or infectious disease)' '259 ','Residual codes; unclassified' '260 ','E Codes: All (external causes of injury and poisoning)' '2601','E Codes: Cut/pierceb' '2602','E Codes: Drowning/submersion' '2603','E Codes: Fall' '2604','E Codes: Fire/burn' '2605','E Codes: Firearm' '2606','E Codes: Machinery' '2607','E Codes: Motor vehicle traffic (MVT)' '2608','E Codes: Pedal cyclist; not MVT' '2609','E Codes: Pedestrian; not MVT' '2610','E Codes: Transport; not MVT' '2611','E Codes: Natural/environment' '2612','E Codes: Overexertion' '2613','E Codes: Poisoning' '2614','E Codes: Struck by; against' '2615','E Codes: Suffocation' '2616','E Codes: Adverse effects of medical care' '2617','E Codes: Adverse effects of medical drugs' '2618','E Codes: Other specified and classifiable' '2619','E Codes: Other specified; NEC' '2620','E Codes: Unspecified' '2621','E Codes: Place of occurrence'